
Qium Cyano Control from J&K -150g

Qium Cyano Control removes cyano bacteria fast and reliably without containing antibiotics or other harmful additions.
For perfect results please take care of optimal conditions during the treatment.
Ensure that filtering and skimming is provided in sufficient quality and avoid overfeeding.
Remove any residue of dissolved cyano bacteria.
Control pH and NO3 parameters on a regular base and do not overdose.

During the treatment the aquarium water can become cloudy. This is absolutely harmless. Please interrupt the treatment during this cloudiness and continue as soon as it is disappeared completely.
During treatment corals can lose or change colour which is normal. In this case you can add trace elements or amino acids.

Usage for infestation:
Start with 1gr Cyano Control for each 100L aquarium volume and increase the amount by 1gr per day up to 5gr maximum.
Mix it with water taken out of the aquarium that is being treated.
Use 500ml aquarium water for each 100L tank size.
Make sure Cyano Control is fully dissolved in the water and no more deposits are remaining.
Pour the solution into the stream in the filter sump or if not existing directly into the water flow of your tank.
If the water becomes cloudy please interrupt the increase of the used Cyano Control and interrupt the treatment for at least 2 days.
Repeat the treatment on a daily basis until the bacteria have totally disappeared.
Minimum treatment not less than 14 days.

Usage for Prophylaxis:
As soon as the bacteria infestation has disappeared or if using as a prophylactic treatment please use Cyano Control as follows:
For each 100L aquarium capacity mix 1g Cyano Control with water taken out of the aquarium that is being treated.
Use 100ml aquarium water for each 100L tank size.
Make sure Cyano Control is fully dissolved in the water and no more deposits are remaining.
Pour the solution into the stream in the filter sump or if not existing directly into the water flow of your tank.
Repeat the treatment on a daily basis.

Pack Size: 150g