
Turtle Mix 125g from Reptile Systems

Complete food for aquatic omnivorous turtles.

Premium formula floating Turtle Mix is a complete food designed for aquatic omnivorous turtles of all kinds
Highly palatable, staple nutrition; a combination of selected fish, shrimp and complete diet sticks and crisps.
Contains minerals and multi-vitamins to promote growth, digestive health, and enhanced natural colours and rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9.
Turtles in general are a very hardy and a rewarding pet that can give hours of pleasure just watching their entertaining daily antics.

In the wild, the diet is mainly opportunistic and environmental with some marine turtles being adapting to eat large quantities of jellyfish,
whereas some freshwater, tropical, fully aquatic species, like Pignoses, mainly eat the fruit and leaves of the wild fig. (We will not be covering the care or housing for either of these extreme examples!)

How much to food to feed
Although Turtle mix is a complete food containing everything your turtle needs to promote growth, digestive health, and natural colour enhancement, we always recommend using additional fresh turtle-safe foods where possible. Good dietary information is key to successfully keeping your chosen species.

Turtle mix is suitable for all types of omnivorous turtles including all sliders (Red, Yellow, Cumberland), Cooters, Musk turtles and all similar species.
It can be mixed with any number of natural ingredients to keep your pet in full health. We do not recommend the inclusion of raw meats but certain types of fresh fish are fine.
When using insects or salad items in your feeding regime, supplementation is advisable to keep your calcium to phosphorus ratios favourable.

Scientifically tested
Eco-friendly production
Size -125g
Ingredients -Grammarus, Shrimps, Herring, Wheat, Mycoprotein, Corn, Wheat gern, Vitamin B complex, Salmon oil, Zeolite