
Sea salt Instant Ocean UK 20kg from Aquarium Systems

Since 1964, Instant Ocean is the most carefully formulated and manufactured sea salt in the world.
An extensive biological and scientific program, particularly with the scientific community and in our hatchery – where we have reproduced millions of tropical sea fish
– has enabled us to elaborate and refine a formula that fulfils the needs of captive marine organisms.

Each ingredient used in the composition of Instant Ocean is carefully selected and tested.
Each batch is analysed in order to guarantee that all important elements have been perfectly mixed.
Each batch is also continuously monitored in laboratory aquatic systems containing delicate marine animals and plants, because live organisms are always the most sensitive indicators of quality.

Provides a clear solution in minutes
Allows for immediate use
Reaches and maintains proper pH quickly
Contains every necessary major, minor, and trace elements
Guarantees consistency throughout
Makes it easy to use
Every batch is analysed to ensure the presence of important elements
Raw material from the mine of the prehistoric german sea in Lorraine (France)
No pollution
Green friendly extraction method
Pack size: 20kg