
Life rock Small 20lbs from Caribsea

You might have been asked recently for Eco rock , real reef rock or an alternative to live rock like ceramics or cement base structures.
Loads of benefits of live rock but with none of the negatives.

The rock comes seeded with a spore bacteria ready to act as your base filtration, shapes and colours are that of actual live rock.
The surface structure is designed so coralline algae and corals can attach and grow just like they do on live rock.

As the worlds oceans get stripped of live rock reef faces are being reduced at crazy speeds.
It is thought that in the last 20 years that 19% of the worlds reefs have been destroyed due to over farming of rock and aragonite used for media etc. . .

If we love the hobby as we say we do then we need to make a difference.
The next time you purchase live rock, set up a new tank or do a rescape just think of where that live rock has came from.
We can collectively make an effort to actually try to make a difference, we could see dramatically reduced damage to the beautiful reefs we love.

Life Rock is colour matched to real coralline algae right out of the box.
You get the deep-toned, mature look without having to wait for real coralline algae to colonize.

No unwanted algae
No long curing times
No hitch hiking pests
Pack size: 20lbs