Nutri-SeaWater 2. 2 gallons from Natures Ocean
For a healthier aquarium.
It is very important in the maintenance of a marine aquarium that the environment be replenished regularly.The best means of accomplishing this is to change 15 percent to 20percent of the water once a month.The ideal replacement water is 100% natural ocean saltwater.Natural ocean saltwater contains all the essential elements and micronutrients required by fish, coral and invertebrates that inhabit your aquarium.In addition, natural ocean water contains LIVE bacteria necessary for the rapid removal of biologic wastes.
Nature’s Ocean Live Nutri-Seawater contains live, naturally-occurring planktonic bacteria, which makes it the best product for monthly water changes.Nutri-Seawater can immediately remove biologic waste products that have built up in the aquarium environment,and because it contains live bacteria, it can rapidly reduce the generation of new waste products.
Features:Instant Saltwater ChangesNo mixing requiredInstant New Marine Aquarium SetupsNatural Live Marine BacteriaBacteria, more than 11,000,000 Bacteria per gallon100% Natural Live Ocean Saltwater -“Simply The Best”Fortified with Qx-23 EnrichedMaintains proper pH by providing improved buffering capacityPack volume: 2. 2 gallons