
7. 2 Buffer from Water Life

Raises or lowers the pH to 7. 2 for mixed community fish. Reduces fish stress. Stabilises pH to prevent pH crashes. Safe in the hands of non expert fish keepers.

Water life 7. 2 Buffer creates ideal conditions for most community tropical fish and plants that prefer a neutral pH.
Water life 7. 2 buffer will increase the pH to 7. 2 in low pH aquariums, and decrease pH to 7. 2 in high aquariums. 7. 2 buffer increases the buffering capacity of the water to stabilise the pH.
7. 2 Buffer is a true buffer, i. e. once the correct amount is added, pH7. 2 stability will be achieved.
This product will not lower the pH below 7. 1 or raise it above 7. 3.

Easy to use
Will not lower pH below 7. 2
Safe with fish and filters
For use in tropical freshwater aquarium’s
Weight: 60g