Sale!Westland Houseplant Feed Concentrate 200ml is a balanced formula enriched with the essential nutrients & trace elements that houseplants need to thrive.
Sale!Westland Houseplant Watering Indicator stick is a simple application to houseplants.The indicator will tell you when your plant needs more water.
Sale!Westland Hydrangea Colourant 500g changes the colour of hydrangea flowers from pink to blue by changing the pH of the soil. for more details.
Sale!Westland Hydrangea High Performance Liquid Plant Feed 1 Litre helps prevent disease & produce an abundance of stronger, healthier, more vibrant flowers.
Out of stockHydroleca Clay Granules does not compact & is unaffected by frost.The granules have a smooth, dense outer skin & honeycomb interior to absorb & release water slowly