Sale!The Puerto Rica Black Cage features a plastic base with grill, pull out cleaning tray, a small door set within a large swing opening door with perches , swing & feed cups.
Sale!The Puerto Rica White Cage features a plastic base with grill, pull out cleaning tray, a small door set within a large swing opening door with perches , swing & feed cups.
Out of stockThe Rainforest Cages Santa Monica Black cage is suitable for Cockatiels, Small Parrots, e.g.Senegal's & other similar sized birds.The C3 stand is a perfect match for this cage.
Sale!The Avi One Buckingham Cage 320A Arch Top comes in a variety of colour combinations & is suitable for small birds.Ideal for use as a quarantine cage.
Sale!The Liberta Stamford 1 cage is suitable for Small Parrots, e.g.Senegal's & other similar sized birds.Designed to open from the top & from the front.
Sale!The Bolivia Play Top Parrot Cage 1507 from Rainforest Cages has been designed to provide the best environment for your bird.
Sale!The Ecuador Cage Antique 1508 from Rainforest Cages has an arched design with an opening top feature, creating the ideal place for your parrot to perch & play!
Sale!The Santa Marta Cage Antique 1513 from Rainforest Cages has an arched design with an open top feature, creating the ideal place for your parrot to perch & play!