A compact, bushy, evergreen shrub to 2m with dark green, oval leaves.Clusters of pink buds open to small, lightly fragranced creamy-white flowers over late winter & into spring, followed by blue-black berries.
A medium-sized, bushy evergreen shrub, often spreading in growth. Leaves narrowly elliptic, shiny green above. Flowers to 7cm in width, pure white with conspicuous yellow stamens.
Tradescantia is a diverse plant genus encompassing tropical species that are suitable as indoor houseplants, as well as hardy species that can be grown outdoors.
The Strelitzia is primarily grown for its handsome (banana-like) foliage, which becomes shredded as it ages.Given time & the right conditions however, it may occasionally produce a blue & white flowerhead too!
Calatheas are beautiful house plants grown for their stunning foliage.Mix can include but is not limited to: Orbifolia, Rufibarba, Compactstar, Maui Queen, Flamestar & Greenstar.
These climbing plants grow in tropical rainforests like those found in Borneo.They can easily survive & thrive in the average living room, especially if you give them a generous watering.