Carnivorous plants are fascinating, strangely beautiful & highly collectable.There are many different types, from Venus flytraps to pitcher plants, which use a range of methods to catch their prey.
The sundew plant (Drosera plant) is one of the most diverse of all carnivorous plants.These deadly plants get their name from the sticky drops on their leaves that resemble sun dew.
These climbing plants grow in tropical rainforests like those found in Borneo.They can easily survive & thrive in the average living room, especially if you give them a generous watering.
Calatheas are beautiful house plants grown for their stunning foliage.Mix can include but is not limited to: Orbifolia, Rufibarba, Compactstar, Maui Queen, Flamestar & Greenstar.
The Strelitzia is primarily grown for its handsome (banana-like) foliage, which becomes shredded as it ages.Given time & the right conditions however, it may occasionally produce a blue & white flowerhead too!