Sale!The Exo Terra Plastic Terrariums are stackable, durable & lightweight, making these all-purpose terrariums easy to transport & used for display or in breeding facilities.
Sale!The Exo Terra Plastic Terrariums are stackable, durable & lightweight, making these all-purpose terrariums easy to transport & used for display or in breeding facilities.
Sale!The Exo Terra Faunarium is an easy to use stackable plastic all-purpose terrarium for reptiles, amphibians, mice & arachnids & insects.
Sale!The Exo Terra Faunarium is an easy to use stackable plastic all-purpose terrarium for reptiles, amphibians, mice & arachnids & insects.
Sale!The Reptile Dome Fixture gives you the versatility of placing heat and/or light sources on your terrarium where needed.
Sale!Incorrect humidity levels may lead to electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, dysecdysis (improper shedding), hyperkeratosis (thickening of the horny layers of the skin), respiratory infections, etc…
Sale!For single thermometer placement, choose a central location in the terrarium.For dual thermometer placement, position one thermometer in the warmest spot & one at the coolest spot of the terrarium.
Sale!Exo Terra Aquatize Terrarium Water Conditioner 120ml