Sale!The Exo Terra Moisture Retaining Ceramic Hides offer your reptiles, amphibians or invertebrates a safe space to hide, sleep, hydrate & aid with shedding.
Sale!The Exo Terra Ceramic Big Rock Cave is designed with a removable lid & reservoir, allowing for easy access to the inside of the hide.
Sale!The natural look of these eco-friendly ceramic caves easily integrates into any type of terrarium, & by simply adding moistened Exo Terra Forest Moss or Sphagnum Moss
Sale!The cave’s water reservoir should be filled with water at all times to ensure that the microclimate retains optimal temperature & humidity levels for your animals (and their eggs).
Sale!Ideal to check on your reptiles, to remove an egg clutch for incubating purposes, or simply for clean-up.
Sale!The Exo Terra Heat Wave Lamp is a radiant heat source which creates a natural sun-like heat with a uniform pattern.No light emitted, does not disturb normal photo periods (day/night).
Sale!The Exo Terra Heat Wave Lamp is a radiant heat source which creates a natural sun-like heat with a uniform pattern.No light emitted, does not disturb normal photo periods (day/night).
Sale!The Exo Terra Heat Wave Lamp is a radiant heat source which creates a natural sun-like heat with a uniform pattern.No light emitted, does not disturb normal photo periods (day/night).
Sale!Excellent 24h "sun-like" infrared heat source.Essential for activity & digestion.Increases the overall air temperature in the terrarium.